Women who drink, even those who do not drink to excess, face more health-related and other problems than their male conterparts.
Health Risks for Women
Women who abuse alcohol, or even occassionally drink to excess, face greater risks to their health than their male counterparts.
Women Drinkers at Greater Heart Disease Risk
A new study by the University College London found women who drank more than the recommended safe limit increased their risk of coronary heart disease by 57 percent. Overall death rates were seven times higher among women who drank two or more drinks per day.
Females are not only less sensitive to the sedating effects of alcohol, researchers at Duke University Medical Center have found that the cycling hormonal levels of women can mediate alcohol's effects, making them more vulnerable to negative consequences of drinking.
Binge Drinking Increases Risky Sexual Behavior Particularly for Women
Binge drinking is linked to risky sexual behavior for everyone, but that behavior is particularly dangerous for women, according to a study by the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Alcohol and Breast Cancer
Women who drink run the risk of getting breast cancer and that risk is directly related to the amount of alcohol they consume, according to new reports.
HRT, Drinking and Breast Cancer
Women who are undergoing hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and who drink just one drink a day double their chances of developing breast cancer, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
One Drink a Day Ups Breast Cancer Risk
After studying the cases of more than 150,000 women worldwide, British researchers have concluded that drinking as little as one drink a day increases the risk of breast cancer.
Alcohol Increases Breast Cancer Recurrence
If you are at risk for breast cancer, especially if you have ever been diagnosed with breast cancer, you may want to consider not drinking alcohol at all.
Female Drinking & Brain Damage
The latest studies show that females face more brain damage and memory loss than men who drink the same amount for the same period of time.
for Women Binge Drinkers
British researchers have found that, like men binge drinkers, female heavy drinkers can also experience ruptured bladders, requiring surgery.
Women Get Worse Hangovers Than Men
University of Missouri-Columbia researchers have found that women not only get drunk on less alcohol than men but they also suffer worse hangovers.
Females Become Addicted Quicker, Easier
Compared to boys and men, girls and women become addicted to alcohol, nicotine and illegal and prescription drugs, and develop substance-related diseases at lower levels of use and in shorter periods of time, according to research by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University.
Young Drug Users at Risk for Sexually Transmitted Infections
Young drug users, whether they are injection users or not, are at a high risk of contracting herpes simplex virus 2 and syphilis. Women are significantly more prone to develop sexually transmitted infections that their male drug-using counterparts.
Women Who Drink Heavily More Like to Experience Mental Illness
Women who have more than 15 drinks a week have an increased risk of experiencing mental illness, specifically depression and anxiety.
Women's Brains More Damaged by Alcohol
Computer imaging technology has shown that women develop alcohol-related brain damage more readily than men in studies conducted at the University of Heidelberg and Stanford University School of Medicine.
Heart Risk Greater for Women Drinkers
Some female alcoholics experience more severe cardiovascular effects from heavy alcohol drinking than those observed in male alcoholics and these effects are noted at an earlier stage of drinking and at a lower consumption level than those noted in men.
Wives of Alcoholics More Likely to Drink
Women who are married to alcoholics are three times more likely to abuse alcohol themselves and three times more likely to work outside the home, compared to wives of non-alcoholics.
Women and Depression
At some point during their lives, as many as 20 percent of women have at least one episode of depression that should be treated.
Breast Cancer Facts
Among women who consume alcohol regularly, reducing alcohol consumption is a potential means to reduce breast cancer risk.
Cocaine, Heroin Can 'Hijack' Mothers' Value System
Because drug abuse is believed to affect pathways in the brain involved in an adult's capacity to invest in the care of their children, a pilot program aimed at mothers and toddlers hopes to put mothers with substance abuse problems more in sync emotionally with the needs of their children.
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