In this economy, it is hard to go out on a two-week vacation and not end up in the red afterwards. A lot of people don’t take their two-weeks off every year because they say they can’t afford to go anywhere. There is a common misconception that to take a vacation, you need to spend money and spend time away from your house. The online dictionary defines a vacation as “a period of suspension of work, study or other activity, usually used for rest, recreation, travel or holiday.” This means that as long as it is away from something you do everyday, it’s considered a vacation.
Below are a few suggestions on how to take a vacation the low cost way!
- Visit local tourist spots. Sometimes having a tourist spot in the same town makes it convenient to visit so people put off visiting the local tourist spot for another day. Now could be the time for you to check out that tourist spot that you’ve never visited. You can check online or walk on over to the spot’s visitor center to check out tour information or anything of the sort.
- Sleep in. Turn off the alarm clock and nestle in the covers snugly! This is a great way to spend vacation time especially when you take it during the cold months. Sleeping in with the TV on and a cup of hot cocoa is a great way to unwind. Watch DVDs, read books, play records, there are a lot of things you can do while lying around in your pajamas. Just remember to get up for periodic bathroom breaks.
- Farmer’s market. Checking out farmer’s markets is also a great way to spend your vacation time without having to dole out some dollars. Farmer’s markets often have curious things being sold and you don’t even have to buy them! Take a short drive out to where these farmer’s markets are and just browse what they’re selling. You will be amazed at how fun this experience can be.
- Home spa. Buy aromatic oils, scented candles, and other such paraphernalia and turn your bathtub into a spa!
Taking a break from your everyday routine can be done even if you don’t leave the house as long as you have the right attitude.
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